Romanian Diaspora and Romania: A Long-Term Investment Conference held on June 12, 2014

Published: Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Romanian Diaspora and Romania: A Long-Term Investment Conference held on June 12, 2014

The Romanian Banking Institute, in collaboration with the National School of Political and Administrative Studies (SNSPA) and the Lufkin Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Migration (FLAME), proudly hosted the "Romanian Diaspora and Romania: A Long-Term Investment" conference on June 12, 2014. This significant event also marked the establishment of the FLAME Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing current and future socio-economic challenges in Romania.

We were honored to host the renowned investor Dan W. Lufkin, founder of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, a leading Wall Street investment firm. The Wall Street Journal has also recognized Dan Lufkin as one of the top 100 most successful entrepreneurs of the 20th century.

The conference facilitated insightful discussions on the economic impact of Romanian migration, including remittances, contributions to the national economy, investments, and the social implications of migration. The focus was on identifying sustainable, long-term solutions to the socio-economic challenges posed by Romanian migration.