Financial education is a collection of knowledge, skills, and behavior that enables individuals to make responsible financial decisions and manage financial resources efficiently. It is a continuous process that starts with understanding basic money and personal finance concepts and expands into developing savings strategies, investments, and debt management skills.
Financial education is not just a one-time learning experience; it is a lifelong journey that enhances an individual's life and enables him/her to achieve financial independence. Teaching effective resource management plays a crucial role throughout an individual's life, providing continuous benefits.
Both adults and children must acquire basic financial education to participate in various economic activities and make informed financial decisions for themselves and their families.
The FLAME Foundation is committed to launching projects that provide financial tools for managing personal finances and assist in acquiring knowledge on economics, ensuring that everyone has access to these essential resources. Our commitment lies in facilitating access to valuable information and resources, empowering individuals to become more aware of and confident in managing their finances.
For starters, discover below an effective budget allocation method that ensures you do not overlook savings and investment opportunities.
Our calculator can help you estimate your savings and provide a clear financial outlook.